Kết quả bóng đá New Zealand hôm nay, Kqbd New Zealand đêm qua
24/03 13:00New CaledoniaNew Zealand0 - 0Chung kết
21/03 13:00New ZealandFiji4 - 0Bán kết
18/11 13:30SamoaNew Zealand0 - 3Vòng Bảng / Bảng B
15/11 13:30New ZealandVanuatu5 - 1Vòng Bảng / Bảng B
11/10 09:00New ZealandTahiti1 - 0Vòng Bảng / Bảng B
14/10 13:00New ZealandMalaysia0 - 0
11/09 06:00MỹNew Zealand0 - 0
08/09 08:00MexicoNew Zealand1 - 0
30/06 11:001 VanuatuNew Zealand0 - 1Chung kết
27/06 07:00New ZealandTahiti3 - 0Bán kết
01/12 10:001 Birkenhead UnitedAuckland City1 - 1
90phút [1-1], 120phút [1-2]
24/11 08:00Auckland CityCoastal Spirit3 - 0Vòng 9
24/11 08:001 Eastern Suburbs AFCWestern Suburbs 10 - 0Vòng 9
23/11 09:10Western Springs AFCWellington Phoenix Reserve0 - 0Vòng 9
23/11 09:00Wellington OlympicNapier City Rovers1 - 2Vòng 9
23/11 08:00Cashmere TechnicalBirkenhead United0 - 1Vòng 9
17/11 10:00Wellington Phoenix ReserveWellington Olympic1 - 1Vòng 8
17/11 09:00Birkenhead UnitedCoastal Spirit0 - 1Vòng 8
17/11 08:00Western SuburbsWestern Springs AFC0 - 1Vòng 8
17/11 07:00Napier City RoversAuckland City0 - 0Vòng 8
16/11 07:00Cashmere TechnicalEastern Suburbs AFC0 - 0Vòng 8
10/11 08:00Eastern Suburbs AFCBirkenhead United1 - 0Vòng 7
10/11 08:00Auckland CityWellington Phoenix Reserve0 - 3Vòng 7
10/11 07:30Coastal SpiritNapier City Rovers1 - 1Vòng 7
09/11 10:00Western Springs AFCCashmere Technical2 - 2Vòng 7
08/11 13:00Wellington OlympicWestern Suburbs2 - 1Vòng 7
03/11 10:00Wellington Phoenix ReserveWestern Suburbs1 - 0Vòng 6
03/11 08:00Auckland CityWestern Springs AFC0 - 0Vòng 6
02/11 08:15Coastal SpiritEastern Suburbs AFC1 - 0Vòng 6
02/11 07:30Wellington OlympicBirkenhead United1 - 0Vòng 6
02/11 06:45Napier City RoversCashmere Technical0 - 1Vòng 6
27/10 08:50Birkenhead UnitedWellington Phoenix Reserve1 - 0Vòng 5
27/10 08:00Western SuburbsNapier City Rovers 11 - 4Vòng 5
27/10 07:50Cashmere TechnicalCoastal Spirit2 - 3Vòng 5
27/10 06:50Eastern Suburbs AFCAuckland City0 - 0Vòng 5
26/10 11:00Western Springs AFCWellington Olympic2 - 2Vòng 5
20/10 08:001 Eastern Suburbs AFCWestern Springs AFC0 - 1Vòng 4
20/10 07:301 Western SuburbsAuckland City1 - 1Vòng 4
19/10 08:30Birkenhead UnitedNapier City Rovers2 - 0Vòng 4
19/10 08:00Cashmere TechnicalWellington Olympic0 - 0Vòng 4
07/09 11:00Western Springs NữAuckland FF Nữ0 - 0
17/08 08:00Wellington Phoenix NữAuckland FF Nữ0 - 0
01/12 07:00Auckland FF NữWaterside Karori (W)2 - 0
24/11 08:00CF Wellington United (W)Central Football Nữ4 - 0
24/11 07:00West Coast Rangers (W)Eastern Suburbs Nữ2 - 1
24/11 06:30Southern United NữWaterside Karori (W)2 - 0
23/11 09:00Auckland FF NữWellington Phoenix Reserves (W)0 - 0
23/11 09:00Canterbury United NữWestern Springs Nữ0 - 1
17/11 07:00Wellington Phoenix Reserves (W)Western Springs Nữ1 - 0
17/11 06:30Eastern Suburbs NữCF Wellington United (W)2 - 2
16/11 09:00Waterside Karori (W)West Coast Rangers (W)3 - 0
16/11 09:00Auckland FF NữSouthern United Nữ2 - 0
16/11 06:00Central Football NữCanterbury United Nữ1 - 1
09/11 08:00CF Wellington United (W)Waterside Karori (W)1 - 1
09/11 06:00Canterbury United NữEastern Suburbs Nữ1 - 1
09/11 06:00Southern United NữWellington Phoenix Reserves (W)1 - 1
08/11 13:30West Coast Rangers (W)Auckland FF Nữ0 - 1
03/11 08:00Eastern Suburbs NữWestern Springs Nữ1 - 0
03/11 07:00Wellington Phoenix Reserves (W)Central Football Nữ2 - 0
03/11 07:00Southern United NữWest Coast Rangers (W)0 - 1
02/11 07:30Auckland FF NữCF Wellington United (W)1 - 0
02/11 07:00Waterside Karori (W)Canterbury United Nữ2 - 2
28/10 06:30Southern United NữCentral Football Nữ2 - 0
27/10 07:00West Coast Rangers (W)Wellington Phoenix Reserves (W)1 - 1
26/10 09:00CF Wellington United (W)Southern United Nữ0 - 0
26/10 07:00Western Springs NữWaterside Karori (W)1 - 1
26/10 06:00Canterbury United NữAuckland FF Nữ1 - 1
26/10 05:30Central Football NữEastern Suburbs Nữ0 - 4
20/10 07:00West Coast Rangers (W)CF Wellington United (W)1 - 0
20/10 07:00Southern United NữCanterbury United Nữ1 - 2
20/10 06:30Wellington Phoenix Reserves (W)Eastern Suburbs Nữ0 - 2
19/10 08:00Waterside Karori (W)Central Football Nữ2 - 0
23/03 09:00Manurewa AFCAuckland City0 - 0
22/03 13:00Fencibles UnitedAuckland FC Reserves0 - 0
22/03 12:00Auckland UnitedBirkenhead United 12 - 2
22/03 11:002 Western Springs AFCEast Coast Bays1 - 0
22/03 09:00Tauranga City UnitedWest Coast Rangers1 - 1
22/03 09:00Bay OlympicEastern Suburbs AFC2 - 0
18/03 13:30Auckland CityWest Coast Rangers1 - 1
15/03 09:002 Auckland CityTauranga City United0 - 1
31/08 12:30Western Springs AFCHamilton Wanderers 10 - 0
31/08 10:00Bay OlympicManurewa AFC3 - 1
31/08 10:00East Coast BaysBirkenhead United2 - 0
31/08 10:00Melville UnitedAuckland City0 - 0
31/08 10:00Eastern Suburbs AFCAuckland United1 - 0
31/08 10:00West Coast RangersTauranga City United1 - 0
24/08 12:30West Coast RangersWestern Springs AFC2 - 2
24/08 12:30Auckland UnitedBay Olympic2 - 1
24/08 10:00Tauranga City UnitedBirkenhead United2 - 0
24/08 10:00Manurewa AFCAuckland City2 - 1
24/08 10:00Hamilton WanderersEastern Suburbs AFC0 - 0
24/08 10:00Melville UnitedEast Coast Bays0 - 0
17/08 10:00East Coast BaysWest Coast Rangers0 - 0
17/08 10:00Hamilton WanderersTauranga City United 11 - 0
17/08 10:00Manurewa AFCAuckland United0 - 0
17/08 09:30Bay OlympicMelville United0 - 3
10/08 12:301 Western Springs AFCEast Coast Bays 12 - 1
10/08 10:00Tauranga City UnitedEastern Suburbs AFC1 - 3
10/08 10:00Melville UnitedManurewa AFC1 - 0
10/08 10:00Auckland CityHamilton Wanderers1 - 0
10/08 10:00Auckland UnitedBirkenhead United0 - 3
09/08 14:30West Coast RangersBay Olympic0 - 0
31/08 10:00Petone FCWaterside Karori0 - 1
31/08 09:30Western SuburbsNapier City Rovers1 - 1
31/08 09:20Miramar RangersStop Out3 - 0
31/08 09:00North Wellington AFCWellington Olympic0 - 0
25/08 09:00Napier City RoversNorth Wellington AFC2 - 1
24/08 10:45Wellington OlympicPetone FC3 - 0
24/08 09:30Stop OutIsland Bay United0 - 1
24/08 09:301 Waterside KaroriMiramar Rangers1 - 0
10/08 10:30Island Bay UnitedWaterside Karori0 - 1
10/08 10:00Wellington Phoenix ReserveStop Out1 - 1
10/08 09:30Miramar RangersWellington Olympic0 - 0
10/08 08:00Petone FCNapier City Rovers0 - 0
04/08 09:00Napier City RoversMiramar Rangers1 - 1
03/08 11:00North Wellington AFCPetone FC0 - 2
03/08 10:45Wellington OlympicIsland Bay United3 - 0
03/08 09:30Stop OutWestern Suburbs0 - 2
21/07 09:00Western SuburbsPetone FC1 - 1
20/07 09:30Stop OutWaterside Karori0 - 0
20/07 09:30Miramar RangersNorth Wellington AFC4 - 1
20/07 08:45Island Bay UnitedNapier City Rovers0 - 1
14/07 09:00Napier City RoversWellington Phoenix Reserve0 - 0
13/07 10:001 Petone FCMiramar Rangers0 - 4
07/09 14:00Wellington OlympicAuckland City0 - 0
90phút [1-1], 120phút [1-1]Pen [5-4]
18/08 09:00Auckland CityBirkenhead United1 - 1
90phút [2-2], 120phút [4-2]
18/08 08:00Coastal SpiritWellington Olympic1 - 1
28/07 09:00Napier City RoversBirkenhead United0 - 2
27/07 09:00Wellington OlympicManurewa AFC 11 - 0
07/09 06:30Selwyn UnitedDunedin City Royals0 - 0
01/09 08:151 Christchurch UnitedCashmere Technical0 - 1
01/09 08:151 University of CanterburyCoastal Spirit1 - 1
01/09 08:15Ferrymead BaysNomads0 - 0
01/09 08:15FC Twenty 11Selwyn United0 - 1
28/08 14:40Coastal SpiritFC Twenty 110 - 0
25/08 07:30Nelson SuburbsChristchurch United0 - 0
25/08 07:00Dunedin City RoyalsCoastal Spirit0 - 5
24/08 09:45Cashmere TechnicalFerrymead Bays1 - 0
24/08 09:45NomadsUniversity of Canterbury1 - 1
17/08 09:45Christchurch UnitedSelwyn United2 - 0
17/08 09:45NomadsCashmere Technical0 - 3
17/08 09:10University of CanterburyDunedin City Royals0 - 1
17/08 09:00Ferrymead BaysNelson Suburbs2 - 1
11/08 08:00Coastal SpiritChristchurch United0 - 0
11/08 07:30Nelson SuburbsNomads2 - 0
10/08 10:00Selwyn UnitedFerrymead Bays1 - 3
10/08 09:45Cashmere TechnicalUniversity of Canterbury3 - 1
03/08 09:45NomadsSelwyn United 12 - 1
03/08 09:00Cashmere TechnicalNelson Suburbs3 - 0
02/08 14:15Ferrymead BaysCoastal Spirit0 - 2
02/08 14:00Christchurch UnitedFC Twenty 115 - 0
21/07 08:30Coastal SpiritNomads1 - 0
21/07 07:30Nelson SuburbsUniversity of Canterbury3 - 1
20/07 10:001 Selwyn UnitedCashmere Technical0 - 1
20/07 07:30Dunedin City RoyalsChristchurch United0 - 1
14/07 09:45University of CanterburyChristchurch United0 - 0
14/07 07:30Nelson SuburbsSelwyn United4 - 4
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